Silkscreen Prints
A selection of limited edition, oil-based silkscreen prints; some are unique prints or artist's proofs.

And Say: O Lord Increase Me in Knowledge!
Quran 20:114
Jali Thuluth script
Unique silkscreen print based on original pen and ink piece that was privately commissioned, Norway.
Oil-based silkscreen print on Khadi paper

The Divine Name in stylised Maghribi script
Oil-based silkscreen print on Khadi paper
30 x 30 cm

Light upon Light
Nurun ‘Ala Nur, Quran 24:35
Jali Thuluth script
The upward arrangement of words in this composition aims to reflect layers of radiant light.
Oil-based silkscreen print on deep blue Indian paper with artist's stamp
49.5 X 49.5cm

Vessel of Faith
The text in this piece emphasises the universality of faith and highlights the belief in Islam that God has sent messengers to mankind throughout the ages to teach them and that all His messengers and holy books are true. The text translates as: I believe in God, His angels, His books, His messengers, the Last Day, predestination by God, good and evil and the resurrection from the dead.
The text is arranged in the shape of a boat and abounds in symbolic meaning written in stylised Thuluth script.
Oil-based silkscreen print, bark paper with artist's stamp
53.5 x 74 cm

Beauty Dot
The word 'jamal' in Diwani script
Oil-based silkscreen print on leather with artist's stamp
63.5 x 48.5 cm